
19 Jul 2023

Wishlist Endpoint Discovery

Learn how to use the recently-added Tailscale, DNS, and Zeroconf endpoint discovery in Wishlist, our SSH host directory.

By Carlos Becker

17 July 2023

Email in your terminal

Learn how to use Pop, Charm's latest app, to send email from the terminal.

By Maas Lalani

8 May 2023

Writing Bubble Tea Tests

Learn how to use x/exp/teatest to write tests for your Bubble Tea apps.

By Carlos Becker

28 April 2023

Self-hosted Soft Serve

Discover how to set up and manage your own self-hosted Soft Serve Git server with HTTPS and SSH support in this comprehensive guide.

By Ayman Bagabas

13 April 2023

Charm News March 2023

Everything we got up to in February recapped for March! Inspiring community projects included.

By Bashbunni

21 March 2023

Commands in Bubble Tea

Goroutines? No, Bubble Tea uses commands. Come learn all about 'em.

By Bashbunni

21 February 2023

The Charm Logger

Everything is fine! Just another Go logger.

By Ayman Bagabas

2 February 2023

Do you even SSH?

Let's talk about SSH layers and how we use the SSH protocol at Charm

By Bashbunni

21 December 2022

What a year!

Charm’s 2022 highlights

By Charm

19 December 2022

VHS GIF Hosting!

Now you can publish your GIFs with VHS.

By Maas Lalani

Lets chat!

Have a question about a command line thing you’re building? Got an idea for a new feature? Just wanna hang out? You’re always welcome in the Charm Discord.