19 December 2023

2023 Charm Wrapped!

Sharing Charm’s 2023 highlights


Charm’s mission is to make the command line a platform for creative, empowering and scalable computing.

Given that, and in the spirit of open source transparency, we’re proud to share some milestones! 2023 marked a year of growth and new partnerships, both in our community as well as with organizations looking to enhance their command line experiences. To name a few highlights, Bubble Tea, our popular TUI framework, crossed 20,000 GitHub stars, we spoke at GitHub Universe, our first conference representation, and we announced our $6 million funding round.

And growth is as reflected in the numbers!

Partnerships are the new friendships

Given our many popular products, it was important to partner strategically with companies where the technical integration served both communities well. In the summer, we announced the launch of Pop, in collaboration with Resend, to enable sending emails from the terminal. Shortly after, we worked with Tailscale to allow for SSH endpoint discovery on one’s tailnet, via Wishlist, our SSH host directory. We also partnered with CockRoachDB to give their interactive SQL Shell a facelift via Bubble Tea, allowing them to extend the SQL shell with additional database inspection tools.

Organizational love

We launched four new products this year, namely Huh, Mods, Pop, and Log. With each launch, we’re able to reach new organizations learning about us and organically adopt our products. From Pulumi ESC, Pulumi’s product to centrally manage configurations and secrets, to Datadog Agent, Datadog’s product to collect events and metrics from hosts, to Truffle Security announcing an upgraded Trufflehog CLI at Black Hat Conference, using Bubble Tea, Lip Gloss and Bubbles.

There have now been 4,487 Bubble Tea apps built to date, representing 119% growth compared to January this year. And Glow, our glamorous markdown reading tool, continues to be shared with over 53,000 users, a 55% increase since the beginning of 2023.

Connecting with the community

Our community continues to be our pride and joy. We ended 2022 crossing 65,000 GitHub stars. To date, we just crossed 95,000 GitHub stars! Importantly, we’ve continued to invest in engaging with our community online, which saw a record 20% monthly increase across Twitter, YouTube, Discord, Mastodon, Instagram. Our YouTube audience has more than doubled from that of last year, with 5,800+ subscribers, racking over 243,000 views.

This month, we organized our first large community meetup in collaboration with GitHub. Taking over GitHub’s HQ, we hosted 100+ developers, founders, open source enthusiasts to Mario Kart, Ping Pong and Piñata-busting fun.

Charm × GitHub, San Francisco

Really, 2023 has been a year of growth. Thank you for your support! 🥳


Read this post in your terminal with Glow:

glow -p https://charm.sh/blog/2023-roundup.md Copied!


19 December 2023

JZ is the COO at Charm. You can find her musings about open source, startups and behind the scenes clips on Twitter.

Lets chat!

Have a question about a command line thing you’re building? Got an idea for a new feature? Just wanna hang out? You’re always welcome in the Charm Discord.